What makes the Motorola Moto X better than the Samsung Galaxy S4? This is the question that this gadget
review will answer. Just like when you are checking a new product to buy, we will consider all the important specifications of these two gadgets such as the performance, speed, responsiveness, camera and storage features. Comparing and contrasting is always important in making decisions. To help consumers, this is what this review will do. Take a look and find out for yourself.A Sleek And Sporty Underwater Device
Aside from the Aqua Mode, one of the strongest features of the Galaxy S4 Active is its operating system and the maximized features that Samsung incorporated in it. With a TouchWiz user interface, it is very easy to use and manipulate. It also has the ability to perform swiftly when users are doing different tasks in their devices. Add this to the fact that it also showcases a sharp and unblemished audio output that is particularly useful when making and receiving calls. Consumers can definitely consider the Galaxy S4 Active as the next smartphone to buy.
A Voice Command That Saves Battery Life
Going back to the voice command which is also called the Touchless Control, the Moto X is made to recognize a command that will open the Google Now application. Once it’s initiated, users can track their location and find information about weather, sports and other ideas that interest them. Without pressing any button, it can also automatically set up texts, electronic mails, calls and even calendar reminders – just by using your voice. Amazingly, this does not drain your battery quickly. Notification wise, this device is equipped with a power-saver feature that lets you know things even when the phone is in sleep mode. It’s actually pretty neat, don’t you think?
The Disadvantages
Similarly, the Motorola Moto X also does not come with faultlessness. One of the weakest links of this device is that is has no memory card slot for the expansion of storage. Although it comes in two models with 16GB and 32GB internal memory, there will always come a time that users have to transfer their data somewhere else. Finally, compared to the Samsung handset, this mobile phone only exhibits 1280 x 720 pixels of screen resolution. This makes the display settings not as bright and vibrant as its rival.
The Bottom Line
What makes the Motorola Moto X better than the Samsung Galaxy S4? The answer is its more gorgeous design, battery-saving feature and voice command. But let us also take the other way around. What makes the Samsung Galaxy S4 better than the Motorola Moto X? Obviously, it is the Aqua Mode underwater feature that goes along with the gadget’s larger screen size and higher resolution display.
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